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Hey there 2019!

Writer's picture: Jennifer DawsonJennifer Dawson

Have you missed me?? Get ready for my first blog post/stream of consciousness full of my current thoughts and lots of run on sentences. I have to take a mandatory (mandated by me) break from most work things after Christmas and New Years because, to be frank, I am toast. Wedding season is in full swing from September through November here in Georgia and then is immediately followed by Holiday Portrait, Christmas card madness. If you messaged me on December 1st and asked me if you could still book and get your Christmas cards in time for the holiday--don't worry, I still love you. Just know that my life during the holidays is similar to a dog that doesn't know how to swim, treading water, in a red and green glitter dogsuit in rapids. Yep. I think that sums it up. I tried to accommodate everyone. I know there are some of you that I couldn't. Some of you that I dropped the ball on probably. And some of you that I made the darn thing happen and you ended up with lovely holiday portraits. If you made it to the end of 2018 and you still love me and are planning to call on me this year--then I will chalk it up as another successful year in the books for Jen A Photography.

That being said, I was wondering when did all this really start? I started shooting in like 1989 when I got my first "real" 35mm camera covered demin material. I will admit I was probably a little rough around the edges because, you know, I was 9. I also loved to take pictures. I got a really cool (DSLR) camera in like 2011, I think. I met this really fun mom lady who had a daughter that cheered with my daughter that was a wedding photographer. I never even know real people could do that. She said she could show me a couple of things and I could second shoot some weddings with her. Well I just loved it. I loved taking pictures and I loved weddings, so I was immediately in my element. I had work in the service industry for years and taking care of people was what I did. My MySpace (yeah I said that) tagline was "I live to serve". And it's true. I love love taking care of people and so much of what I do is caring for the people in front of my camera. Anyways, a while later, said mentor announced to me that she was moving to Florida. I was so sad. Like how do I get to keep doing this fun thing that I really enjoy?? I was left with two choices. Give up or figure out how to keep it going on my own with minimal training and knowledge of the business side of things. I screwed up a lot on the business side. I learned a lot on the camera/shooting side. I still am always a work in progress, but 2019 marks the 5th year of Jen A Photography being a business and I am still here making it happen and often can't believe how fortunate I am for all I have learned and all of my clients that keep this dream alive. Especially you guys that have been with me since 2013. I look back at some of those galleries and chuckle a little. I currently have posted 7,656 photos on my Facebook page. That is a lot of photos, right? A lot can happen in 5 years and I am excited to what the year ahead will bring.

I haven't updated my website since 2013. Isn't that sad? And a little ridiculous? I find stuff like that to be boring and tedious and boring and annoying. Did I mention that it's boring? I hate it and get so busy taking photos, turning around galleries, posting on Facebook, blah, blah, blah that I always find reasons to postpone website foolishness. Well my first business goal of 2019 was to step my game up and update the stupid site. Second was to start blogging. See me over here killing it? Especially since I was in Costa Rica until January 7th. I looked at my website recently and was like...I wouldn't hire me. I would think the Facebook page looked good, but if someone can invest the time in their business to make their website look like something that wasn't created by a 3rd grader--then they might not be the choice for me. Who am I kidding? A third grader could probably do better than my old We will see how the year goes and how well I keep up with blogging and sharing my thoughts with you, but let's just keep that one day at a time mentality for now.

In light of the new year and me wanted to express my appreciation for all of you--I want to offer a couple of sales to take advantage of. These will only be good until January 31st. For real.

New Clients-This means new and you have never booked and shot with me before. Buy one full session at full price and get a half priced mini session. Full sessions are $125 and mini sessions are $80, so you pay $165 for both. It's a deal.

Existing Clients-If you have EVER shot with me, you get a 25% off session, if you shot with me in 2018, you get a half off session. This can apply to mini sessions or full sessions. No strings attached.

Prospective Brides to Be-Get $100 off of your custom wedding package if you book and pay your deposit before Jan 31st.

These sessions can be purchased between now and January 31st and can be used in 2019 between now and June 30th, but obviously is subject to my availability. Please don't get mad if you try to schedule for the 29th of June and I can't accommodate you. I cherish you all, but give me ample scheduling time so that I can make it through the year without pulling all of my hair out.

Just to clarify, these are the prices with the discounts applied.

New Client Full Session - $93.75

New Client Mini Session - $60

Existing Clients - Same as above

Clients That I Shot with in 2018 Full Session- 62.50

Clients That I Shot with in 2018 Mini Session - $40

I will have a completely separate page dedicated to my boudoir sessions live at some point next week like I do on Facebook and will be posting a sale for those sessions as well. Sometimes new mommies or brides-to be don't want to look at scantily clad bodies when considering me for their photography needs, so I try to keep those two environments separate when doing business. ;)

Well this brings blog post #1 to a close. I am excited to see all of you this year. If I missed you in 2019, let's not let that happen again. I want to document your lives and a year is just too long. Hope to see you soon!



PS-Here is a pic of me with a bunch of makeup on and my hair done, so if you already know what I look like and don't recognize me--I get it. If you don't know me yet, this is pretty glam Jen. <3 (Hair and makeup done by my most awesome stylist Megan Harper with

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